HardwareX Podcasts
Interviews with the leading technology experts in open source hardware for the journal HardwareX from Elsevier Publishing Company
HardwareX Podcasts
Author Interview: Open source device for disinfecting N95 masks with UV-C radiation (with Dr. Marcel Bentancor and Dr. Horacio Failache)
In this episode of HardwareX podcasts, our guests are Dr. Marcel Bentancor and Dr. Horacio Failache from Montevideo, Uruguay. Their research interests are in Optics and Experimental Physics. In February 2021, their team published a paper in HardwareX titled “LUCIA: An open source device for disinfection of N95 masks using UV-C radiation”. The paper is part of the Special Issue: COVID-19 Medical Hardware edited by Todd Duncombe and Joshua Pearce. This podcast episode was recorded, edited, and produced by Santosh Pandey from Iowa State University. The music is provided by jorikbasov from Pixabay (Title: Ambient Atmospheric).
HardwareX is a peer-reviewed scientific journal about open-source hardware. For more info, visit HardwareX.