HardwareX Podcasts
Interviews with the leading technology experts in open source hardware for the journal HardwareX from Elsevier Publishing Company
HardwareX Podcasts
The Journey of HardwareX with co-Editor-in-chief (Todd Duncombe, PhD)
In this episode of HardwareX podcasts, we talk to Todd Duncombe who is the co-Editor-in-Chief of HardwareX. Todd is a Postdoctoral researcher at the renowned ETH Zurich, Department of BioSystems Science and Engineering in Basel, Switzerland. He has published several impactful papers and inventions on Droplet Microfluidic, Analytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry, MEMS, and Electrokinetic Transport. He developed assays to streamline biomanufacturing pathways and combinatorial screening, often improvising the techniques in mass spectrometry and electrophoresis. Todd also has been an active member of Tekla Labs. This episode was recorded, edited, and produced by Santosh Pandey from Iowa State University. The music is provided by Lesfm from Pixabay (Title: Uplifting Corporate and Inspiring (IG version 60s)).
HardwareX is a peer-reviewed scientific journal about open-source hardware. For more info, visit HardwareX.